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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Spirit Needs a Forrest

"The Spirit needs places where Nature has not been rearranged by the hand of man."
Recently, I chanced upon this quote. I do not know who wrote it, but it spoke to me and set me to thinking.

When I was growing up, I had the good forture to live next to a forrest - Lee's Woods - and a Daddy and Aunts who were at home in the woods.  We thought nothing of tromping through those woods for hours at a time. I never saw them as dark or forbidding or scary, but rather I felt at home among the towering trees,  sunlight filtering through the leaves.  With my active imagination, I found that place  to be magnificent and magical, full of surprises and treasures.

When I was no more than 10 or 11, I discovered the poem, "Thanatopsis" by William Cullen Bryant and, while I did not comprehend the poem was about death, I did understand the opening lines...
     "To him, who in the love of Nature holds communion with her visible forms, she speaks a various lauguage." I had heard that voice of gladness and felt the 'smile and eloquence of beauty.'  I had experienced the mild and healing sympathy of Nature.  I "felt" Nature. I understood her language.

Mu soul - my spirit - needs the quiet, soothing communing with Nature.  There have been many times throughout my lifetime that I have felt God's presence in a church.  I have never failed to find Him in Nature - especially those 'places where Nature has not been rearranged by the hand of man.'  I can't help but think how much better this world would be if folks just spent a little more time communing with Nature.

I am reminded of that old Dial soap commercial... it could be .....
"Aren't you glad you love Nature?  Don't you wish everybody did?"