
All content is provided for your reading enjoyment. Please do not copy/use anything from this site for publication, contests, or personal gain. I am delighted to share my pages with you; if you use something, please give me credit and refer to my blog. Thanks. Dianne

Monday, September 9, 2013

Welcome to My Blog

      Welcome to Gertie's Simple Things, a simple little blog primarily for my enjoyment but it is always nice to have company.    
      When I began this blog, it was simply to make it easier  to present my "homework" for the Find Your Voice workshop.  Kristin Tweedale (from Find Your Voice Summer Storytelling Workshop - rukristin papercrafts) offered a free writing workshop for the summer. That sounded exactly like what I was looking for and I signed up.  As a child, I had a vivid imagination, often made up stories, wrote poetry and created my own fantasy land. Then I grew up and somewhere along the way, I lost my imagination and my creative self.  Last year I set out to find and reclaim both!
     Find Your Voice was fun, informative and pressed me out of my comfort zone to places I never considered - like starting my own blog!  The first 8 blogs or so from that workshop. There are three that 'might' be considered worthwhile: Watermelon Time, When The Time Comes and Handle With Care.
     When that workshop ended, I immediately signed up for another one - Debbie Hodges' Story Coach. The later stories are from that workshop. The concept for writing stories is different but certainly effective. I am learning.  It is not my intent to become a famous author; I want to write a decent story to share with my children and grandchildren about their ancestors.
     Again, I welcome you. Please feel free to browse around; I would appreciate your comments - especially if you are a writer and have some constructive suggestions.