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Saturday, October 5, 2013

MSWC: Perfect Dinner Party

Mama Scout Wellness Challenge: Write Every Day
October 5, 2013

Who would you invite to your perfect dinner party?
You can reach back in time, include literary and film characters .... Anyone you want!

If you like cooking -what would you serve?

My Answer:

Invitations would be sent to
Our best friends, Sam and Jim
DH’s boss and his wife
Both sons and their spouses 
Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy
Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart
Former President Bush & Barbara
Former President Bush & Laura
Rhett and Scarlett Butler
Stephanie Plum and Joe Morelle
Peter Jennings and his wife
Regis and Joy Philbin 

I wanted to invite people I thought would be compatible and adept at interesting conversation. I feel this group will make a lively mix.
When you said ‘dinner party,’ right away I thought of a formal dinner. I began making my menu, then decided to just have a good ol’ fashioned Southern dinner. In that case – dinner will be:

Southern fried chicken
Mashed potatoes with gravy
Fried creamed corn
Fresh green beans with new potatoes
Squash casserole
Collard greens
Pan fried okra
Macaroni and cheese
Cornbread muffins and biscuits
Sweet tea

And for dessert – apple pie, pecan pie and chocolate cake with white icing
Anybody for seconds?